
Relationship as Spiritual Path, the Circle:

A weekday evening or weekend when enough people have committed to participate!

relationshipsPreviously offered as "Spiritual Partnership" for couples, now expanded to bring the teaching to all, whether or not you are currently in a committed relationship. Many are recently separated from a committed relationship, between relationships, preparing for future relationship, or deciding whether or not to commit to another relationship. This course is of value to someone in any of these circumstances, and committed couples also come to participate together.

Based on the Jungian model of the Person and the technique of "active imagination" for dialogue between and among all of the "selves" within the personality, and integrating the Imago model of psychospiritual development in relationship. We will be introduced to and become familiar with the many different aspects of our Selves, and the Selves of others, discovering and developing the capacity for individuation, the art of conscious partnership, and intimacy. This program will guide you through a radical approach in which you and your partner's, potential partner's, or other's "complaints and limitations" as well as "strengths and abilities" are understood as gifts for furthering awareness and integration of the many "selves" within and amongst you.

Contact Geoff to sign up for the next evening or weekend group being scheduled.

Periodically a three hour evening or week end “Imago Connects” presentation is made for couples wishing to learn more about the Imago Relationship Model.

Psychological Type. More people than ever before are rediscovering the relevance of Carl Jung's work around psychological type. Many further contributions have been made including instruments for determining your typology. Much exciting work is being done to help individuals to understand themselves better, to further true compassion and intimacy in relationships, and to increase the effectiveness of individuals and groups, including employees and managers in work settings. Both productivity and morale are increased when the unique contributions and differences among individuals are recognized and appreciated, resulting in more authenticity and personal satisfaction at work and at play!

We offer administration and interpretation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, individual and relationship counseling around type, as well as groups and lunch time discussions of typology related topics such as communications styles, behavior under stress, expression of needs and feelings, and integrating shadow aspects!

Couples are encouraged to take the course together!

Discover your Psychological Type here!